Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Authors@Google: Josh Waitzkin


I've been an avid book fan all my life. I remember my mom would be reluctant to buy me a book because of the prices in Malaysia. I feel that this is such a limiting factor to learning for people here especially the children.

My intention is to start a conversation about Kindle in Malaysia. I find it quite disappointing that Kindle device has not made it to Malaysia. I was recently based in the US and have really benefited from this little application on my PC for the past 6 months. 

There's something so amazing about ordering a book and having it pop in your lap within seconds.
I guess that's why they call it a Kindle, sometimes there's a little flame and something someone wrote can be like blowing on the fire.

I'm sure in due time, Kindle device will make it's way here.  But I'm more interested in helping you get to information that's available in the myriad of kindle books.
Write me with your questions at